Samsung ARTIK hardware with Tizen and Tizen RT
Date & Time
Tuesday, May 16, 2017, 3:50 PM - 4:30 PM
Raj Devnath
Samsung is pleased to announce support for Tizen and Tizen RT on selected ARTIK modules. In this presentation, we will present the range of modules that support Tizen, their capabilities, and how to get Tizen up and running. We will also discuss the Tizen RT operating system, its rich available middleware and how it can be leveraged to create IoT end nodes. Finally, we will look at specific examples of Tizen RT use cases on upcoming ARTIK modules.
Location Name
Imperial A
Full Address
Hilton San Francisco Union Square
333 O'Farrell Street
San Francisco, California 94102
United States
Session Type
Breakout Session